I was up early at 4 am, I was thinking most about this 1st day and where I’ll end up compared to my plan of Albion, was 60 miles too ambitious on the first day with all this weight? I finally started about 9:30 am after a single intense 10 out of 10 WHOOO at the urging of my kids. Dipped my front tire in the lake and kissed everyone goodbye. I Ended up having a great ride did a little over 55 miles and decided to call it for the day just east of Medina about 11 miles from Albion. The ride was an interesting one, near Amhearst I rode through a street fair that seemed to have been set up yesterday. Rode next to marine border patrol and thanked them for what seems a thankless job these days. Stopped in Lockport for lunch, a place called Wagner’s for beef on wreck with chef salad about 1:45 pm. Spent a little time at lock 33 & 34 (The flight of 5) After that it was just a long dusty nothing to see type of trail. Enjoyed some backpacker’s Pantry Pad Thai at a boat launch near Bates Road and Medina Conservation Club with the sound of large-caliber pistol target shooting. Ahh, feels like home. Maybe some laundry duties before camp setup. Will have to make a go at stealth camping and with the tent tonight. Haven’t decided if I will camp here or a place I scoped out up the trail, the launch is next to a steel deck bridge which is noisy and a bit busy. Till tomorrow.. TT Nite Nite