I forgot to mention yesterday that I didn’t see the trail again until Port Byron at you guessed it 4:51pm, a time that near and dear to my family.
Really rough day but it started and ended beautifully though. The trail was mint when I was on one. Jordon wins town of the day as they had some beautiful parks with a historic kissing bridge. I was routed through Syracuse on city streets, who knew there were so many hills. I mean I can pull those under normal circumstances no problem but with bags.. ugh.. So between slow climbs and poorly maintained sections of roads I had a mechanical issue with my brakes after lunch at Dinosaur BBQ. (Tres Ninos) The first time I stopped to check it out I couldn’t locate the issue but when I got to DeWitt I found a rock between the brake pad and disc. Really happy I had my leatherman with a file to smooth things over. Luckily the trail I picked up in DeWitt to Rome is one I am familiar with and completely resurfaced for many miles. About 6 or 8 miles down that trail I bumped into a fellow Boonvillian, Brain Rhone. I am on a mission to get to New London Lock 21 today but took several breaks including a liquids resupply. Once in Canastota and the other from a rec center in Durahmsaville. Finally made it to Lock 21. Remember I said the day started and ended beautifully, well, I was treated to a beautiful sunrise and a special dinner with most of my home support crew. We had some fantastic Dicastros take-out dinner lock side. Not only did I meet my objective of getting to Rome today(Just about 67 loaded miles) I got to see the family. I am smoked but excited for the hammock tonight which is set up for rain. I plan for an easy day tomorrow maybe only 50 miles to Herkimer and as a result, made some reservations for more formal accommodations since there are no amenities at this lock.