Up at 3 am as I can’t sleep, I dunno if it’s nerves or the afternoon nap I took yesterday. Oh well, it’s only an hour before I planned to get up anyway. I’m going to try and wrap this last leg up before noon when some really bad storms are in the forecast for Albany. I stopped at every lock I could find from the trail, some didn’t seem to be accessible so there are large gaps in the photos. All in all the trails are paved but some are very rough due to tree roots. At least most of the trails are paved and mostly descending, although there are some climbs. There were some nice mile marker signs, that made me reflect on just how far I had come. On the other side of GE Research and the Naval Research labs was a grand view of the Mohawk River, I initially mistook it for the Hudson and it was breathtaking. It was also on a huge downhill which was welcomed as the climb to get there was no joke. I passed through an industrial area in Green Island that reminded me of Griffiths. The one notable business in the area was Albany Pipe and Nipple. Pffffttt. I got such a chuckle out of the name. I know it is juvenile of me or maybe having the end in sight is causing me to be punchy. I am also finding myself talking to my bike a little. It just happened to be across from the NYS Dept of Taxation & Finance. I took a short break about 1.2 miles from my destination, the first nice place with a bench on the Hudson just north of 787. I knew Sandy was a little way away yet so it was a nice respite. I had a little time to reflect.
Some of my thoughts
Random honks of encouragement (including this morning in the drizzle by a pickup going in the other direction), the never-ending questions about where I’m headed. The shouted good lucks from passerby’s, the nice mountain biker that yielded the trail around the walkers on a hill today, To the guy in Rochester who rode aside me for a mile to chat. The countless good lucks and safe trip comments from strangers and friends, Texts, FB Instant Messages, and FB posts from friends. There were so many uplifting things that happened that it most definitely renewed my faith in humanity, made me want to be a better human and pay it forward.
I can’t thank enough the hot blonde that picked me up in Albany, for her love and support. I hit the life partner lottery! All the encouragement from my kids which included forced woo’s to help me get amped, handshakes, and hugs mean the world to me.
So, Yes my bike is a GT 29’r, Yes I am touring with it, Yes it only cost me $170 used compared to your $2k Surly Touring setup, Yes the brakes squeak right now, Yes that’s me squeaking too. We’re a perfect match. Me and my $170 hundred dollar Hunny made the FULL 402.9 miles together. That bike is like an extension of me now more so than ever. You done good Selena, were end to enders now.
I’ve never been athletic, like ever. I’ve never been an active person until the last several years. To set this goal and accomplish it is huge for me and all the support was even bigger!
Wrap it up John
So I finally reached my destination, I concluded my trip at Jennings Landing in front of an amphitheater. A sign nearby marked NYC at 145 Miles and got me thinking of a trip extension. No, not really, just joking I don’t want to go to NYC. I took some photos to mark the occasion and went and dipped my tire in the Hudson. Those tires and my toes touched Lake Erie and The Hudson River much like the barges that traveled the canal. I can’t believe it’s over.