Happy Birthday Josh! Sorry, I couldn’t be there but I am keeping my promise to you. We’ll celebrate when I pass through Rome. Short ride today, I started at that nice little boat launch in Medina after a so-so night. I couldn’t regulate my temperature, it was hot then cold. I broke camp at 5 am heading for Albion. Witnessed a few exceptional visual delights at the beginning of the ride. First, the sunrise, then a blue heron, and I got to see a lift bridge in action. Finally made it to Albion to re-supply my fluids. Made a pit stop at Dunkin Donuts and met a couple touring via hotels. We shared some stories, and it seems like our plans may see us leapfrogging this week. I’m stopping early at the Holley Lift Bridge though and will camp there for the night. It’s a great marina and park. I set up my tent and Hammock (mostly for afternoon lounging but I think I will tear down the tent in favor of the hammock. Skipping lunch because I had a bagel at Dunkin with new friends. It’s a nice little spot, took a shower and spent the day watching boats go by. Started making dinner and coffee at about 3:40. On the menu is AlpineAire Thai Style Chicken, turns out it’s trash as Jaina would say. The plan for today was to recover a bit today and hit it hard tomorrow. I was taking hopefully my last stroll to the lavatory for the evening and look who showed up. Erie Canal Tours, the outfit that piqued my interest in taking this journey. Anyway, gonna rest up and read a little LOTR. (Thanks Jeremy)
Tune in tomorrow, Same Bat-time same Bat-channel.