Started the day off great with a good meal from muddy waters cafe and found showers at the nearby marina. Started riding about 8:30 am and it was smooth sailing. It seems Lyons has three locks and the first included a huge dry dock. It was awesome. The trail was disconnected today in the beginning, and I kept beating a boat to all 3 Lyons locks. I ended up talking to Bill and Marilyn at the 3rd lock in Lyons. They told me they are on a long voyage including traveling the canal and don’t expect to be home for three months. They started in their hometown of Toronto. I was watching them through three locks and Marilyn is an excellent Captain. They are only going as far as Clyde today but plan to get to Sylvan Beach to visit with their son who has a motorhome at a local campground. I Took an alt route north of the finger lake, had me on W. Genesee (Rt 5), man it’s easier pedaling this road. Made some good time to my next stop in Clyde where I had two awesome slices of pepperoni pizza at Papas Place. I’m upping the calories today. This alt route should allow me to see locks 24 and 25 which are nowhere near the trail. Lock 24 (not well marked, only on some underground door) was on a private road that was once had a quarry nearby that had beautiful stone (Yes Sandy I said, ahh the stone) all around the property with what I would estimate to be a 40-acre lake. They also had a giant cross on one end, it was amazing and I wondered if they light it up at night. I’m beginning to wonder if my good luck charm is a blue heron, I must have seen a dozen today. The 2nd half of the ride today turned out to be complicated (Holy Complications Batman) by a low rear tire and the rolling hills of the Seneca valley on almost exclusively asphalt. (In my Adam West Batman voice I say Must..check..Rear.. Tire.. Daily) I rode completely around Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and got to see several Bald Eagles in their nests. I found myself sprinting to each shady spot which wasn’t that frequent, it was a hot day. I finally made it to Weedsport and located River Forest RV park. I really stand out among all these RVs, There is a tent nowhere else to be seen in the entire campground. The on-site restaurant served me well. Bruschetta appetizer, prime rib, and a Coors Light. I am living it up on this 7500 cal day. Got cleaned up and did some sink laundry hope this stuff dries. I’m wrapping up the day with a cup of decaf on the porch of the restaurant a stone’s throw from my site thinking it might be a while until quiet falls the campground. I seem to be in some pre-teen summer vacation flirting and obnoxious vortex. Oh well I’ll try to hit the air mattress